» F1 Pocket 2010v2.10
• Summary: Formula 1 information software about 2010 session. Every thing you need to know, teams , pilots, circuits, ranking, poles,...• Found under: sports, misc, formula1, f1, rankings, info
• Requirements:
Windows Mobile Pocket PC 5 , 6 , 6.1 ,6.5
Technical features: -Multilanguage
-Drivers, Circuits and Teams information.
-Internet updateable.
-When you make an update, it warn you if there is a new version.
-vga (480x640) , qvga (240x320) ,wvga (480x800) and wqvga (240x400) versions.
-Improved graphical interface.
-Poles, first, second and third places information. Also dropouts information.
-Time remaining until next race.
F1 Pocket 2010 v2.1
New features:
10 more languages (watch captures screens)
Pilots qualifying time info added (First we update position,later we update times).
Countries translated to languages
Other minor improves
With the collaboration of Dmitry Andreev, Fatih Gezer, Luis Filipe G. Monteiro, Dalibor Horvat, Arnold Van de Poll, Gidano, Marcin Wietrzycki, Jan Truschkowski, Alexandr Škaryd, Jorge Patricio Diaz Guzman and Enrico.

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