MP3 Ringtone Creator v3.0
Those of you that want to absolutely create their own ringtones right on their BlackBerry smartphone can now do so thanks to the MP3 Music Creator application which is now available for just €1.87 in the BlackBerry store. You'll have to hurry though since the price is going to stay that low only until May 1 after which it will go back to the regular €5.20The application works on most BlackBerry smartphones available out there, including the Storm series so you'll surely be able to use it on your current model. Interested in what MP3 Music Creator can really do? Here's a complete list of features for this application:
- Simply choose a song, select a starting point and save your new Ringtone file
- Advanced users can also set the end point if desired
- Provides the ability to add a fade in, fade out effect to your Ringtone
- Increase or decrease the actual Ringtone volume when needed
- This software could be used to create alerts or other sounds as well
- Use any songs stored in your BlackBerry or on a media card to create your Ringtones
- Ringtones can be stored on your BlackBerry or media card
- No computer software is required
- No subscription or monthly fees
- Only MP3 files are supported
- Does not come with any songs
Compatible Devices
So are you getting MP3 Music Creator?
For MP3 Ringtone Creator Non-Touchscreen Version
BlackBerry: 8100 (Pearl), 8110 (Pearl), 8120 (Pearl), 8130 (Pearl), 8220 (Pearl Flip), 8230 (Pearl Flip), 8300 (Curve), 8310 (Curve), 8320 (Curve), 8330 (Curve), 8350i (Curve), 8520 (Curve), 8530 (Curve), 8700, 8700c, 8700f, 8700g, 8700r, 8700v, 8703e, 8705g, 8707g, 8707h, 8707v, 8800, 8820, 8830, 8900 (Curve), 8930 (Curve), 9000 (Bold), 9100 (Pearl), 9630/9650 (Tour), 9700 (Bold)
For MP3 Ringtone Creator Touchscreen Version
BlackBerry: 9500 (Storm), 9530/9530T (Storm), 9550/9520 (Storm2)
Developer's Site
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